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FM Station Information

To get the full effect of the FM station, you will have to be able to listen to Mp3Pro files. Mp3Pro is a relatively new file format, but it retains a lot of music quality while keeping the bitrate and size low. This is what has allowed us to offer a hi-fi or FM station for listeners while still keeping our dial-up friendly stations running.

Two ways to listen to Mp3Pro files:

Get the Winamp plugin
Google search for an Mp3Pro player

Most players cost money, so the plugin is recommended. Currently the plugin does not show the proper KHz information, but if you listen to the AM station and then switch to the FM, there will be no doubt of the difference.

If you don't get the plugin or a special player, you can still listen to the FM station, however you won't hear a noticable difference in quality. The music will be played as a regular mp3. Should you wish to read up more on Mp3Pro, is a good site, or you can use a search engine to find information.

I can help with the plugin basics. I don't know much about special players. If you have any questions at all or need some basic help (not sure if your plugin is installed, etc.), don't hesitate to email me.